Red Sparrow
by Jason Matthews
Reviewed by: Ralph Bender, MBA, CFP®
My reading has included a lot of history and contemporary non-fiction and decided it was time for a good old-fashioned spy novel. Red Sparrow was promoted on my new Kindle page white book reader. The reviews made it sound like the author was soon to be in the same category as Clancy, Grisham, and Baldacci.
After reading just a couple of chapters, it’s pretty clear that Jason Matthews’ idea of suspense involves more sexual exploits than I’m interested in perusing on a Kindle. At least half of his story is based on the bedroom escapades of a twenty-something female spy.
A thin line of intrigue developed with the characters, but frankly it wasn’t interesting enough to overcome my shame after thinking the plot would actually transition from a tawdry harlequin novel into a real thriller.
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