Book Review Medal Award System

Our book review section is for us to share with you some ideas you might consider reading. They are short because you can get detailed reviews from any online book-seller. However, our rating system is unique, drawn on the medal awards from running events, where everyone receives a finisher medal, but only the top three get individual medals.

Anyone who secures a top-three finish in an event deserves special recognition. Often there is a very slim margin between the top three. Of course, the gold medal is the most treasured, but even third place is usually a significant accomplishment. So here is the implication of our opinion reflected in our medal rankings.

Gold Medals

The reviewer believes that everyone should consider reading a gold medal book because it offers valuable insights into life. The implications are that the subject matter can help or should be interesting to all people regardless of their situation. In short, the impact of the book transcends its specific subject matter.

Silver Medals

The reviewer believes these books are amongst the finest available within the subject or genre. The implication is that anyone interested in the subject matter of the book should enjoy or otherwise benefit from reading this material. Silver medal books are great books but might not be material of interest to everyone.

Bronze Medals

The reviewer thoroughly enjoyed reading any book awarded a bronze medal, and that’s the primary criterion for the award. It could be fiction, biography, history, motivational, technical or other, but it must be a “good read” first and foremost. These books might miss a higher medal due to the level of detail or vocabulary, but they are worthy reads because they are fun.

Finisher medal

As the name implies, the reviewer read the whole book. The review itself will describe the specific likes or dislikes about the material but know that the reviewer felt it was worth the time invested to read until the end of the book.

DNF – Did Not Finish

One of the worst feelings in racing is dropping out of a race, and forever appearing at the end of the list of participants with the DNF tag instead of a finishing time. However, there are usually good reasons for the result, such as injury or illness. Likewise, some books are simply too much for the reviewer to finish. However, there are also books not worth the reviewer’s time, and to find out why read the review!


Explicit language is, unfortunately, a reality of life, and everyone has their tolerance level. We attach an F-bomb tag to alert the reader that the author used coarse descriptions, but the medal score and the review itself is where we indicate the extent of seemliness.


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