Can We Reopen Safely?

My jumpmaster’s voice barked to life in my ears. We separated when I pulled the ripcord at 5,000 feet.

Now, he was on the ground, while all our jump class floated above.

I followed his instructions and landed almost perfectly.

Ken, an experienced but retired Marine Recon skydiver, stumbled on landing. He hurt his pride more than anything.

Little Debi, a USC coed so small they added body weights, landed next. A gust of wind caught her chute and drug her down the field.

Later that weekend, two experienced jumpers got their chutes tangled. One hit the sloped roof of a garage, bounced to the ground, and survived with broken bones.

The other died shortly after impact.

Ralph Bender here, for Enduring Wealth Advisors

These five outcomes describe the possible scenarios to restarting the nation’s economy coming out of the lockdowns.

No one thinks it’s going to be a perfect landing; it’s not like we hit the pause button on a movie and then restart it. Too many disruptions and variations for that.

Likewise, we don’t think it’s going to be a catastrophic outcome. We are dealing with several “knowns”, and the unknowns are not generally economic.

Every crisis creates both risks and opportunities.

Troubled businesses fail, while preeminent organizations cultivate fallow grounds.

Fiscal and Monetary policies flood the economy with the liquidity. Stimulus monies should bridge us to the other side, while the FED actions provide resources needed to plant the seeds of future growth.

Many organizations discovered productivity gains forced by the quarantines, while others profit by providing the new solutions.

True entrepreneurs, people for whom failure is not an option, overcome obstacles and find a way to survive and thrive.

We call that “Yankee ingenuity!”

It might be that the social unrest, unlike anything since the 1960s, is that gust of wind that blows us sideways or even tangles our safety net causing serious injury.

But, since the Civil War, civil disobedience has not destroyed large swaths of the American economy.

Media, news sources, and social media accounts notwithstanding.

We are available, if you’re interested in our specific ideas about threats and opportunities during the reopening.

Please like, share, or forward these comments if what you’ve heard makes sense.

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