Five Year Relocation Nate & Sarah

Nate and Sarah just bought the house of their dreams. Five years they planned for making this move.

Their kids grew up in the old house, it worked just fine, but Nate didn’t want a tract home as his forever home.

So, they started looking at places, even before they were ready to make the move. Nate squeezed in open house tours whenever he had a chance, usually during hardware store runs on repair missions.

And there was a lot of decluttering to make the place look bigger, replacing piles of unfinished projects with light, airy, and back-lit house plants.

They were looking at homes with some property, and properties cost more than houses.

Some were more than twice what they hoped to get for their home. But they all met their needs.

Then one day, after sneaking a peak at a property that checked almost all the boxes, but was way out of their realistic range, they happened upon an open house at a For Sale by Owner property.

Sarah had seen the house on Zillow and the seller’s pictures didn’t impress her, but Nate insisted.

It was a perfect price for them, but the kitchen. Hmm. Too many tight spaces. And dated.

Ralph Bender here for Enduring Wealth Advisors

Five years is a long time to plan a move, but while they worked on cleaning up the old house, Nate & Sarah worked even harder cleaning up their balance sheet. They eliminated all their credit card debts.

The new car? His business leased it, so it is not on their credit.

And they built up an investment account. That allowed them to get funding without the contingency of having to sell their old house.

The seller was impressed with their pre-qualified, no-contingency offer and passed up higher bids that came with more strings attached.

Investment accounts for meeting life’s milestones, like Nate & Sarah’s move onto property, should match the time horizon of the goal.

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Gotta run!

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