If you’re approaching retirement, you’ll eventually need to make serious decisions about when to begin taking withdrawals (known as distributions) from your retirement accounts.
Tips for Transitions: Make the Most of Your Retirement Account Options
It’s also a fact that the decisions you make about how to manage retirement assets when changing jobs can have a direct impact on your future financial health.
Three Key Retirement Income Considerations
There are two factors that can determine whether you’ll have a comfortable retirement: The amount of money you’ve saved and how quickly you spend that nest egg after you retire.
Should You Tap Your Retirement Account?
Since the housing and stock markets collapsed several years ago, millions of unemployed and even working Americans have found themselves in need of cash.
Retiree Challenge: Making Your Money Last
The ultimate goal for most retirees is making sure their assets last as long as they live. And because of increased longevity, managing cash flow is more critical than ever.
Planning for Retirement? Don’t Overlook an IRA
Nearly 50 million American households own an individual retirement account (IRA).1 While the IRA has evolved into a popular retirement savings vehicle.
Now That You’re Retired, Maximize Your Retirement Income
Although much of the last decade has been an exception, historically, stock returns have outpaced inflation by the widest margin and have provided the strongest returns over the long term.
Gearing Up for a New Beginning — Retirement
People who are getting ready to wrap up their careers and leave the working world often refer to retirement as “a new chapter” or “the next act” in their lives – and rightly so.
Can You Afford Early Retirement?
Early retirement is a phrase many Americans wish they could turn into a reality. While retiring in your 50s or early 60s sounds enticing.
Calculating Your Retirement Needs
When retirement was years away, calculating how much income you may need may have involved a lot of estimates. Now you can be more accurate.