Is the stock market rigged in favor of high-speed electronic trading firms? Perhaps, but that shouldn’t matter to most investors.
Running Money ®
Expect a Bumpy Landing
At the end of a long smooth flight with virtually no turbulence it can be disheartening to fly into an airport like Ontario California and be hit with “Mountain Wave Activity”.
Stock Market Myths
As this edition of Running Money® is being written, the US stock market is experiencing what I believe to be a periodic pullback
Balancing the Hot Air
Most western homes are heated with forced air, and if you live in a two story, forced air home, it’s important to adjust the air registers twice a year.
Anyone Can Do It
Financial Independence is no more complicated than completing a marathon. It may be hard because it requires discipline, but the process for both is really quite simple.
Items of Interest for the New Year
In 2009, Section 6045(b) of the Internal Revenue Code extended the deadline to furnish 1099 Consolidated Reporting statements from January 31 to February 15.
The Taper
Following 18 weeks of intense training, with about three weeks remaining to the race, most marathoners begin their “taper”.
It has been several months since I announced I was getting back into racing shape. As anyone who’s ever worked toward long-run fitness goals knows.
Secular Bull Markets
Recently, the managers of the Dow Jones Industrials made the decision to change three of the 30 components in the index.
Working My Way Back into Shape – Planning Advice
While struggling with getting back into racing shape, the tune “Working My Way Back to You” was stuck in my head. Maybe it’s because we recently saw the Broadway hit.