When it comes to planning for retirement, there are a myriad of strategies and options available. One often overlooked method is making after-tax contributions into retirement savings vehicles. This approach to investing after-tax dollars may significantly increase...
Year-End Planning for Retirees
Hello friend. As we approach the coming year, let’s look at year-end planning for your finances.
Forward-Thinking Investors Get Triple-Tax-Advantage from Healthcare Savings Accounts
Jane is a 32-year-old and recently discussed Health Savings Accounts (HSA) with her financial advisor on how to get the biggest benefits possible from her limited budget for long-term investments. She discovered that the HSA is much more than just a savings account....
When should I expect my 1099 For Tax Year 2022?
Tax season is upon us, and you need forms from LPL so that you can get this annual job completed. If you’ve got retirement accounts, LPL began mailing the 1099-R (for retirement) on January 17. The forms for taxable, non-retirement accounts are more complex to...
When should I expect my 1099?
It’s almost tax filing season and we want to remind you that LPL typically sends the consolidated form 1099 in February and March…
How SECURE does new legislation make you?
December 20, 2019, a new piece of retirement legislation became the law of the land, further pushing the burden of providing for one’s later years into the realm of the individual…
Can you escape this 529 tax consequence?
The Section 529 Plan is one of the best vehicles for accumulating education funds, because they can benefit both the student and the contributor.
Seek Coaching When Exceptional Outcomes Matter
Training for a marathon, like funding a Retirement Plan, is about both quantity and quality.
Congress gets it act(s) together
For the first time in years, Congress passed a budget bill that won’t require an annual battle over the details. The spending cap is set for the next two fiscal years.
The Lasting Impact of 9/11
Ever since that horrific day in 2001, nearly 14 years ago, we have seen an increase in the use of the calendar to create and enhance awareness of our pet projects or concerns.