by Enduring Wealth Advisors | Market Update, Videos
REPLAY: “LPL Financial Research – Market Outlook Update: Fall 2014”
by Enduring Wealth Advisors | Fitness, Health
Like most people concerned about their health, I try to get regular physical exams. This month I had my first in almost two years, and it was a long one as there’s a lot of things that just plain hurt. I guess getting older comes with certain reminders of our...
by Enduring Wealth Advisors | RunninRalph
The final quarter of 2013 was a tough one for my training. The Holidays always impact my time and since we feel so strongly about Christmas and its significance, I often skip my training. But this year we also lost a key team member, Patina Rodgers, who left in...
by Enduring Wealth Advisors | Financial Plan, IRA Accounts, Running Money ®, Taxes
IRS 1099 Mailing Deadline February 18, 2014! In 2009, Section 6045(b) of the Internal Revenue Code extended the deadline to furnish 1099 Consolidated Reporting statements from January 31 to February 15. Since February 15, 2014 will fall on a Saturday, the IRS has...
by Enduring Wealth Advisors | RunninRalph
My weekly mileage has returned, and now includes regular speed, tempo, fasting, and strength (hill sprints) workouts. The all-important long runs are now in the low to mid teens (13-15 miles). There are no major races on the calendar, but one or two marathons are...