Marty and his new wife honeymooned in Italy. They enjoyed many of the touristy things, but being a retired machinist, he is always interested in complex structures.
Client Stories
Jake and Cynthia’s First Meeting – VLog
We had some fun in the editing room with this video, spot the fun we had!
Introducing Marty the Machinist
Marty lived in an apartment, above someone’s garage, a short ride from the refinery where he worked his whole adult life.
Charlie Avoids a Scam
Saturday morning, Charlie got a call from the power company. She’d just moved into her new home and they said she hadn’t paid the deposit to move the account to the new location.
Charlie is Frugally Fancy
“Ooh, that’s fancy!” said Charlie’s friend when she discovered her espresso machine. Before the pandemic, they met regularly at a local micro roaster coffee house to catch up on each other’s lives.
Charlie Becomes Unusual
Charlie wasn’t always unusual. She used to keep up with her friends’ spending habits, and ultimately, lived week-to-week, paycheck-to-paycheck.
Charlie’s Bad Timing
Charlie has the worst timing. She logs in 15 minutes early to the online meeting and makes sure the wireless headset works.