GrandpaLand is a swing, trampoline, hammock, and a teetertotter in the shaded corner of our back yard. On Thursdays, the “littles,” as we call the grandkids under seven, spend the day with Grandma, while their respective parents get some work done. GrandpaLand...
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When should I expect my 1099 For Tax Year 2022?
Tax season is upon us, and you need forms from LPL so that you can get this annual job completed. If you’ve got retirement accounts, LPL began mailing the 1099-R (for retirement) on January 17. The forms for taxable, non-retirement accounts are more complex to...
When Should You Start Planning for Retirement?
If you think that everyone but you is on track with their retirement plan investments, you need to stay with me on this piece. Because those people are rare. Most people don’t start saving for retirement soon enough, or investing aggressively enough, or controlling...
Four Ways to Handle Your Future Long-Term Care Expenses
Seniors that suffer accidents often require assistance either in their home or in a facility like adult day care or the highest level (most expensive), a skilled nursing home.