This book is the third I’ve read of Robbins’ series based on the Air Force’s Special Operations ParaRescue unit, called PJs (for Parachute Jumpers).
Finisher Medal
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“Murder in the White House” and “Murder on Capitol Hill”
Murder in the White House was Truman’s first murder mystery and it made it to the New York Times best seller list as well as being optioned for a screenplay.
Slow Getting Up: A Story of NFL Survival from the Bottom of the Pile
As Marshawn Lynch so eloquently put it, “football is a team sport”. I thought it would be interesting to read the biography of someone who had a successful NFL career.
Revolution By Murder: Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, and the Plot to Kill Henry Clay Frick
This book focuses on the lives of one anarchist, his wife, and the man that Andrew Carnegie put in charge of his steel empire, Henry Clay Frick, who they attempted to assassinate.