If you want to have extra money, let’s get those cards paid off. At 18% interest, carrying a balance costs you $15.00 per month for every $1,000 you owe. But some of those cards charge 24%, or $20 per month per $1,000.
Credit Management
Credit Card Snowball Strategy
Honestly, I’m not spending any more than I make, but there’s nothing left for savings.
Damien’s Hard Life
Damien comes from a troubled family. Issues cascade from one generation to the next, like a series of waterfalls…
Nate and Sarah Remodel VLog
Nate and Sarah bought the new house, well a property, really. It’s got beautifully landscaped yards; Jacarandas, Mimosas, Canna Lilies, and many other varieties…
Five Year Relocation Nate & Sarah
Nate and Sarah just bought the house of their dreams. Five years they planned for making this move.
Charlie Becomes Unusual
Charlie wasn’t always unusual. She used to keep up with her friends’ spending habits, and ultimately, lived week-to-week, paycheck-to-paycheck.
Debt Weighs on You
The simple formula for getting wealthier is to spend less than earned and invest prudently.
How do I improve my credit score?
Credit scores attempt to indicate how a consumer uses credit. More importantly, they suggest the likelihood that money loaned will get repaid according to the terms agreed upon when borrowed.
Locking the doors after everything is taken; advice about freezing your credit
The bad guys already have your name, Social Security Number, birth date, address and possibly even your driver’s license number.
Lessons from the Game of Risk
To accomplish any goal in life, especially financial goals, there needs to be some concentrated effort to get started, moving in the right direction.