Having a small business or side hustle can be a great way to increase your income. Even though the old saying goes, "It takes money to make money," what if you just don't have the extra cash on hand to put things in motion? Below are some tips to help you kickstart...
The Art of Semi-Retirement: Balancing Work and Leisure in the Next Chapter of Life
As you approach retirement, fully stepping away from work might seem less appealing than it did a decade or two ago. Instead, many people embrace semi-retirement to balance the need for continued income with the desire for more leisure time. Semi-retirement offers a...
Holiday Gifting Beyond Toys: Investing in Your Kids’ or Grandkids Future
When giving gifts to our children or grandchildren, we often default to the latest toys or gadgets. However, the value of these items tends to diminish over time in terms of both interest to the child and monetary value. A different approach to gifting can focus on...
The Age-Proof Brain
The Age-Proof Brain: New Strategies to Improve Memory, Protect Immunity, and Fight Off Dementia by: Marc Milstein, PhD Reviewed by: Ralph Bender, MBA, CFP® Medal Rating: Gold Medal In "The Age-Proof Brain," Marc Milstein provides an easy-reading...
Havasupai Falls – Vlog
Havasupai Falls one of the most beautiful places in the world. The Indian tribe settled there about a millennium ago and lived without interruption until the mid-nineteenth century.
Rib Rub Recipe
Place the ribs into a roasting pan (or you may use a cookie sheet, but be careful to avoid spillage). Inside the roasting pan, place the ribs so that they do not overlap.
Christmas Lights and Hot Chocolate
Christmas is a wonderful season filled with all sorts of lights & decorations aswecelebrate Christ’s birth.
ELF – a Family Favorite Ice Cream
Years ago, I stumbled on the idea of combining EL Fudge cookies with a traditional chocolate ice cream and came up with one of our family’s favorite home-made ice creams.
Spinach Artichoke Dip
Don’t remember where I found this, years and years ago, nor do I remember the official recipe, but my unofficial recipe is still good.