Charlie’s new home is missing something important to her. Moving is always disruptive. She and Liam, bought the place knowing that they could fix it once they got settled in.
Jake Jumps In – VLog
Thrashing about with the tools he’s got, but without much of a plan works for him. He’s got the creative spark and some of the projects he’s completed are amazing!
Marty and Jean visit the David
Marty and his new wife honeymooned in Italy. They enjoyed many of the touristy things, but being a retired machinist, he is always interested in complex structures.
Jake and Cynthia’s First Meeting – VLog
We had some fun in the editing room with this video, spot the fun we had!
Medicare 101 Teaser
In retirement, medical expenses can add up quickly even with Medicare.
Introducing Marty the Machinist
Marty lived in an apartment, above someone’s garage, a short ride from the refinery where he worked his whole adult life.
What is the difference between a customer and a client?
When you are looking for a product or a solution to a specific problem, and start asking questions, the salesperson helps provide answers. If they know what they are doing.
Charlie’s Bad Timing
Charlie has the worst timing. She logs in 15 minutes early to the online meeting and makes sure the wireless headset works.
How SECURE does new legislation make you?
December 20, 2019, a new piece of retirement legislation became the law of the land, further pushing the burden of providing for one’s later years into the realm of the individual…
Life After Valero – Preparing Your Thrift Savings Plan
As with all investment decisions, each person’s situation is unique, but as a guiding principle, remember that this is simply a milestone along the continuum of your life.